1. Network Analysis Overview+ Define the Purpose of Network Analysis
List Troubleshooting Tasks for the Network Analyst
List Security Tasks for the Network Analyst
List Optimization Tasks for the Network Analyst
List Application Analysis Tasks for the Network Analyst
Define Legal Issues of Listening to Network Traffic
Overcome the "Needle in the Haystack " Issue
Understand General Network Traffic Flows
Review a Checklist of Analysis Tasks
2. Introduction to Wireshark+ Describe Wireshark's Purpose
Know How to Obtain the Latest Version of Wireshark
Compare Wireshark Release and Development Versions
Report a Wireshark Bug or Submit an Enhancement
Capture Packets on Wired or Wireless Networks
Open Various Trace File Types
Describe How Wireshark Processes Packets
Define the Elements of the Start Page
Identify the Nine GUI Elements
Navigate Wireshark’s Main Menu
Use the Main Toolbar for Efficiency
Focus Faster with the Filter Toolbar
Make the Wireless Toolbar Visible
Access Options through Right-Click Functionality
Define the Functions of the Menus and Toolbars
3. Capture Traffic + Know Where to Tap Into the Network
Know When to Run Wireshark Locally
Capture Traffic on Switched Networks
Use a Test Access Port (TAP) on Full-Duplex Networks
Define When to Set up Port Spanning/Port Mirroring on a Switch
Analyze Routed Networks
Analyze Wireless Networks
Define Options for Capturing at Two Locations Simultaneously
Identify the Most Appropriate Capture Interface
Capture on Multiple Adapters Simultaneously
Capture Traffic Remotely
Automatically Save Packets to One or More Files
Optimize Wireshark to Avoid Dropping Packets
Conserve Memory with Command-Line Capture
4. Create and Apply Capture Filters+ Describe the Purpose of Capture Filters
Build and Apply a Capture Filter to an Interface
Filter by a Protocol
Create MAC/IP Address or Host Name Capture Filters
Capture One Application’s Traffic Only
Use Operators to Combine Capture Filters
Create Capture Filters to Look for Byte Values
Manually Edit the Capture Filters File
Share Capture Filters with Others
5. Define Global and Personal Preferences+ Find Your Configuration Folders
Set Global and Personal Configurations
Customize Your User Interface Settings
Define Your Capture Preferences
Wireshark Automatically Resolve IP and MAC Names
Plot IP Addresses on a World Map with GeoIP
Resolve Port Numbers (Transport Name Resolution)
Resolve SNMP Information
Configure Filter Expressions [NEW}
Configure Statistics Settings
Configure Protocol Settings with Right-Click
6. Colorize Traffic+ Use Colors to Differentiate Traffic
Disable One or More Coloring Rules
Share and Manage Coloring Rules
Identify Why a Packet is a Certain Color
Create a “Butt Ugly” Coloring Rule for HTTP Errors
Color Conversations to Distinguish Them
Temporarily Mark Packets of Interest
7. Define Time Values and Interpret Summaries+ Use Time to Identify Network Problems
Understand How Wireshark Measures Packet Time
Choose the Ideal Time Display Format
Identify Delays with Time Values
Create Additional Time Columns
Measure Packet Arrival Times with a Time Reference
Identify Client, Server and Path Delays
Calculate End-to-End Path Delays
Locate Slow Server Responses
Spot Overloaded Clients
View a Summary of Traffic Rates, Packet Sizes
8. Interpret Basic Trace File Statistics + Launch Wireshark Statistics
Identify Network Protocols and Applications
Identify the Most Active Conversations
List Endpoints and Map Them on the Earth
Spot Suspicious Targets with GeoIP
List Conversations or Endpoints for Specific Traffic
Evaluate Packet Lengths
List All IPv4/IPv6 Addresses in the Traffic
List All Destinations in the Traffic
List UDP and TCP Usage
Analyze UDP Multicast Streams
Graph the Flow of Traffic
Gather Your HTTP Statistics
Examine All WLAN Statistics
9. Create and Apply Display Filters+ Understand the Purpose of Display Filters
Create Display Filters Using Auto-Complete
Apply Saved Display Filters
Use Expressions for Filter Assistance
Make Display Filters Quickly Using Right-Click Filtering
Filter on Conversations and Endpoints
Understand Display Filter Syntax
Combine Display Filters with Comparison Operators
Alter Display Filter Meaning with Parentheses
Filter on the Existence of a Field
Filter on Specific Bytes in a Packet
Find Key Words in Upper or Lower Case
Use Display Filter Macros for Complex Filtering
Avoid Common Display Filter Mistakes
Manually Edit the dfilters File
10. Follow Streams and Reassemble Data+ Follow and Reassemble UDP Conversations
Follow and Reassemble TCP Conversations
Follow and Reassemble SSL Conversations
Identify Common File Types
11. Customize Wireshark Profiles+ Customize Wireshark with Profiles
Create a New Profile
Share Profiles
Create a Troubleshooting Profile
Create a Corporate Profile
Create a WLAN Profile
Create a VoIP Profile
Create a Security Profile
12. Annotate, Save, Export and Print Packets+ Annotate a Packet or an Entire Trace File
Save Filtered, Marked and Ranges of Packets
Export Packet Contents for Use in Other Programs
Export SSL Keys
Save Conversations, Endpointsf and I/O Graphs
Export Packet Bytes
13. Use Wireshark’s Expert System+ Launch Expert Info Quickly
Colorize Expert Info Elements
Filter on TCP Expert Information Elements
Define TCP Expert Information
14. TCP/IP Analysis Overview+ Define Basic TCP/IP Functionality
Follow the Multistep Resolution Process
Define Port Number Resolution
Define Network Name Resolution
Define Route Resolution for a Local Target
Define Local MAC Address Resolution for a Target
Define Route Resolution for a Remote Target
Define Local MAC Address Resolution for a Gateway
15. Analyze Domain Name System (DNS) Traffic+ Define the Purpose of DNS
Analyze Normal DNS Queries/Responses
Analyze DNS Problems
Dissect the DNS Packet Structure
Filter on the DNS/MDNS Traffic
16. Analyze Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Traffic+Define the Purpose of ARP Traffic
Analyze Normal ARP Requests/Responses
Analyze Gratuitous ARP
Analyze ARP Problems
Dissect the ARP Packet Structure
Filter on ARP Traffic
17. Analyze Internet Protocol (IPv4/IPv6) Traffic+Define the Purpose of IP
Analyze Normal IPv4 Traffic
Analyze IPv4 Problems
Dissect the IPv4 Packet Structure
Filter on IPv4/IPv6 Traffic
Sanitize IPv4 Addresses in a Trace File
Set Your IP Protocol Preferences
18. Analyze Internet Control Message Protocol+ICMPv4 | ICMPv6 Traffic
Define the Purpose of ICMP
Analyze Normal ICMP Traffic
Analyze ICMP Problems
Dissect the ICMP Packet Structure
Filter on ICMP and ICMPv6 Traffic
19. Analyze User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Traffic+ Define the Purpose of UDP
Analyze Normal UDP Traffic
Analyze UDP Problems
Dissect the UDP Packet Structure
Filter on UDP Traffic
20. Analyze Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Traffic+ Define the Purpose of TCP
Analyze Normal TCP Communications
Define the Establishment of TCP Connections
Define How TCP-based Services Are Refused
Define How TCP Connections are Terminated
Track TCP Packet Sequencing
Define How TCP Recovers from Packet Loss
Improve Packet Loss Recovery
Define TCP Flow Control
Analyze TCP Problems
Dissect the TCP Packet Structure
Filter on TCP Traffic
Set TCP Protocol Parameters
21. Graph IO Rates and TCP Trends+ Use Graphs to View Trends
Generate Basic I/O Graphs
Filter I/O Graphs
Generate Advanced I/O Graphs
Compare Traffic Trends in I/O Graphs
Graph Round Trip Time
Graph Throughput Rates
Graph TCP Sequence Numbers over Time
Interpret TCP Window Size Issues
Interpret Packet Loss and Duplicate ACKs
22. Analyze Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol+ Define the Purpose of DHCP
Analyze Normal DHCP Traffic
Analyze DHCP Problems
Dissect the DHCP Packet Structure
Filter on DHCPv4/DHCPv6 Traffic
Display BOOTP-DHCP Statistics
23. Analyze Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Traffic+ Define the Purpose of HTTP
Analyze Normal HTTP Communications
Analyze HTTP Problems
Dissect HTTP Packet Structures
Filter on HTTP or HTTPS Traffic
Export HTTP Objects
Display HTTP Statistics
Graph HTTP Traffic Flows
Set HTTP Preferences
Analyze HTTPS Communications
Analyze SSL/TLS Handshake
Analyze TLS Encrypted Alerts
Decrypt HTTPS Traffic
Export SSL Keys
24. Analyze File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Traffic + Define the Purpose of FTP
Analyze Normal FTP Communications
Analyze Passive Mode Connections
Analyze Active Mode Connections
Analyze FTP Problems
Dissect the FTP Packet Structure
Filter on FTP Traffic
Reassemble FTP Traffic
25. Analyze Email Traffic + Analyze Normal POP Communications
Analyze POP Problems
Dissect the POP Packet Structure
Filter on POP Traffic
Analyze Normal SMTP Communication
Analyze SMTP Problems
Dissect the SMTP Packet Structure
Filter on SMTP Traffic
26. Introduction to 802.11 (WLAN) Analysis+ Analyze Signal Strength and Interference
Capture WLAN Traffic
Compare Monitor Mode and Promiscuous Mode
Set up WLAN Decryption
Prepend a Radiotap or PPI Header
Compare Signal Strength and Signal-to-Noise Ratios
Describe 802.11 Traffic Basics
Analyzed Normal 802.11 Communications
Dissect Basic 802.11 Frame Elements
Filter on WLAN Traffic
Analyze Frame Control Types and Subtypes
Customize Wireshark for WLAN Analysis
27. Voice over IP (VoIP) Analysis Fundamentals+ Define VoIP Traffic Flows
Analyze Session Bandwidth and RTP Port Definition
Analyze VoIP Problems
Examine SIP Traffic
Examine RTP Traffic
Play Back VoIP Conversations
Decipher RTP Player Marker Definitions
Create a VoIP Profile
Filter on VoIP Traffic
28. Baseline “Normal” Traffic Patterns+ Define the Importance of Baselining
Baseline Broadcast and Multicast Types and Rates
Baseline Protocols and Applications
Baseline Boot up Sequences
Baseline Login/Logout Sequences
Baseline Traffic during Idle Time
Baseline Application Launch Sequences and Key Tasks
Baseline Web Browsing Sessions
Baseline Name Resolution Sessions
Baseline Throughput Tests
Baseline Wireless Connectivity
Baseline VoIP Communications
29. Find the Top Causes of Performance Problems+ Troubleshoot Performance Problems
Identify High Latency Times
Point to Slow Processing Times
Find the Location of Packet Loss
Watch Signs of Misconfigurations
Analyze Traffic Redirections
Watch for Small Payload Sizes
Look for Congestion
Identify Application Faults
Note Any Name Resolution Faults
30. Network Forensics Overview+ Compare Host to Network Forensics
Gather Evidence
Avoid Detection
Handle Evidence Properly
Recognize Unusual Traffic Patterns
Color Unusual Traffic Patterns
31. Detect Scanning and Discovery Processes+ Define the Purpose of Discovery and Reconnaissance
Detect ARP Scans (aka ARP Sweeps)
Detect ICMP Ping Sweeps
Detect Various Types of TCP Port Scans
Detect UDP Port Scans
Detect IP Protocol Scans
Define Idle Scans
Know Your ICMP Types and Codes
Analyze Traceroute Path Discovery
Detect Dynamic Router Discovery
Define Application Mapping Processes
Use Wireshark for Passive OS Fingerprinting
Detect Active OS Fingerprinting
Identify Spoofed Addresses and Scans
32. Analyze Suspect Traffic+ Identify Vulnerabilities in TCP/IP Resolution Processes
Find Maliciously Malformed Packets
Identify Invalid or Dark Destination Addresses
Differentiate between Flooding or Standard DoS Traffic
Find Clear Text Passwords and Data
Identify Phone Home Behavior
Catch Unusual Protocols and Applications
Locate Route Redirection Using ICMP
Catch ARP Poisoning
Catch IP Fragmentation and Overwriting
Spot TCP Splicing
Watch Other Unusual TCP Traffic
Identify Password Cracking Attempts
Build Filters and Coloring Rules from IDS Rules
33. Effective Use of Command-Line Tools+ Define the Purpose of Command-Line Tools
Use Wireshark.exe (Command-Line Launch)
Capture Traffic with Tshark
List Trace File Details with Capinfos
Edit Trace Files with Editcap
Merge Trace Files with Mergecap
Convert Text with Text2pcap
Capture Traffic with Dumpcap
Define Rawshark