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comptia cloud+ (CV0-004) certification training

Test Pass Academy has expert security instructors that have been doing the CompTIA Cloud+ Certification training since it first came out. Our security instructors are well known in the industry not only as top level instructors with rave reviews, but also as top level security professionals who pass along real world examples to the class. Our experts have a vast understanding of cloud security and a remarkable teaching ability making it easy to PASS the CompTIA Cloud+ Exam on the 1st attempt. If you are looking to gain Cloud Security experience and pass the Cloud+ exam at the same time, you found the right place. This 5 day bootcamp is geared for the Government, Military and Contractors seeking 8140 compliance.

5 Day Authorized CompTIA Cloud+ Bootcamp: Train-Test-Pass!

Cloud+ is U.S. DoDM 8140.03 Approved by the Department of Defense (DoD)

What will I learn in the CompTIA Cloud+ Bootcamp?

The CompTIA Cloud+ certification is an internationally recognized validation of the knowledge required of IT practitioners working in cloud computing environments. The CompTIA Cloud+ exam will certify the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to understand standard cloud methodologies; to implement, maintain, and deliver cloud technologies (e.g., network, storage, and virtualization technologies); and to understand aspects of IT security and use industry best practices related to cloud implementations.

As more and more businesses shift their IT operations to cloud platforms, skills in cloud computing and virtualization have become a frequently required qualification for IT professionals. Cloud+ is globally recognized and accredited. CompTIA Cloud+ is compliant with ISO 17024 standards. Adding CompTIA Cloud+ to your resume demonstrates your ability to implement and maintain cloud technologies and enables you to jump into a rapidly growing market

You will be tested on the following domains of the Cloud+ CV0-004 Exam:

  • Domain 1: Cloud Architecture
  • Domain 2: Deployment
  • Domain 3: Operations
  • Domain 4: Security
  • Domain 5: DevOps Fundamentals
  • Domain 6: Troubleshooting

CompTIA Cloud+ Class Details:

  • 5 Days of the Top Cloud+ Training in the Industry
  • CompTIA Authorized Cloud+ Training Session
  • Instruction by a High-Level Certified Security Expert
  • CompTIA Official Cloud+ Courseware
  • Cloud+ Practice Questions
  • CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-004 Exam Voucher
  • Exam can be taken Online or in-person
  • Free Exam Re-take if You Fail the Exam

Upon completion of the CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-004 Course, you will demonstrate competence and learn to master:

Module 1.0 Cloud Architecture

Use the appropriate cloud service model.

Explain concepts related to service availability.

Explain cloud networking concepts.

Compare and contrast storage resources and technologies.

Explain the purpose of cloud-native design concepts.

Compare and contrast containerization concepts.

Compare and contrast virtualization concepts.

Summarize cost considerations related to cloud usage.

Explain the importance of database concepts.

Compare and contrast methods for optimizing workloads using cloud resources.

Identify evolving technologies in the cloud.

Module 2.0 Deployment

Compare and contrast cloud deployment models.

Implement appropriate deployment strategies.

Summarize aspects of cloud migration.

Use code to deploy and configure cloud resources

Provision the appropriate cloud resources.

 Module 3.0 Operations

Configure appropriate resources to achieve observability.

Configure appropriate scaling approaches.

Use appropriate backup and recovery methods.

4.0 Security

Explain vulnerability management concepts.

Compare and contrast aspects of compliance and regulation.

Implement identity and access management.

Secure access to the cloud management environment

Apply security best practices.

Apply security controls in the cloud.

Monitor suspicious activities to identify common attacks.

Module 5.0  DevOps Fundamentals

Explain source control concepts.

Explain concepts related to continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

Explain concepts related to integration of systems.

Explain the importance of tools used in DevOps environments.

Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK) stack

6.0 Troubleshooting

Given a scenario, troubleshoot deployment issues.




Troubleshoot network issues

Troubleshoot security issues

CompTIA Cloud+: Includes the new technologies to support the changing cloud market as more organizations depend on cloud-based technologies to run mission critical systems, and hybrid and multi-cloud have become the norm.

CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-004 Schedule:

CompTIA Cloud+ CertificationApril 21 - 25, 2025Live Online$2,495REGISTERQUOTE
CompTIA Cloud+ CertificationJune 16 - 20, 2025Live Online$2,495REGISTERQUOTE
CompTIA Cloud+ Certificationaugust 11 - 15, 2025Live Online$2,495REGISTERQUOTE
CompTIA Cloud+ CertificationOctober 13 - 17, 2025Live Online$2,495REGISTERQUOTE
CompTIA Cloud+ Certificationdecember 8 - 12, 2025Live Online$2,495REGISTERQUOTE

CompTIA Cloud+ Requirements & Prerequisites:

CompTIA Cloud+ candidates should meet the following requirements prior to attending the Cloud+ Bootcamp:

What is the CompTIA Cloud+ Certification:

The CompTIA Cloud+ certification validates the skills and expertise of IT practitioners in implementing and maintaining cloud technologies. Cloud+ accredits IT professionals with the constantly changing and advancing knowledge they need to be successful in today’s cloud environment.

In this course, you will:

  • Understand cloud architecture and design concepts.
  • Implement and maintain a secure cloud environment.
  • Successfully provision and configure cloud resources.
  • Demonstrate the ability to manage operations throughout the cloud environment life cycle using observability, scaling, and automation.
  • Understand fundamental DevOps concepts related to deployment and integration.
  • Troubleshoot common issues related to cloud management.

Certifications Earned During This Bootcamp: CompTIA Cloud+

Updated: March 13, 2025

Certification Image

Why choose Test Pass Academy?

Your Instructor Has Vast Experience in the Field

Quotation MarkThe class went great. Michael was an excellent teacher. He has vast experience in the field and used great real world examples to help understand concepts. Thank you for the opportunity to take this bootcamp with such a qualified teacher.Quotation Mark

Thanks again, Robert
Booz Allen Hamilton

Experience and High Energy Teaching Style

Quotation MarkFred is a fantastic instructor, with his background, experience and high energy teaching style I definitely have a great deal of confidence in passing the test first time through. I definitely will recommend your class for any future CISSP candidates.Quotation Mark

V/R, Chuck US Navy

Instructor for the Course Was Outstanding

Quotation MarkI had a great experience and thought that the test center was top notch. The material that has to be covered for an exam like these is very extensive. The instructor for the course was outstanding, and knew the Windows platform in and out.Quotation Mark

DoD Contractor

I Learned a lot and Passed the Test

Quotation MarkThe Security Plus class went very well!! I learned a lot, passed the test, and Tracy was an excellent instructor. I felt it was very valuable training for my job and was very satisfied with my experience with Test Pass Academy. Thank you for everything.Quotation Mark

Addy - US Air Force

For more information on our Training, call us at 1-888-418-7051 or via email at