Test Pass Academy has expert security instructors that have been doing the CompTIA PenTest+ Certification training since it first came out. Our security instructors are well known in the industry not only as top level instructors with rave reviews, but also as top level security professionals who pass along real world examples to the class. Our experts have a vast understanding of security and a remarkable teaching ability making it easy to PASS the CompTIA PenTest+ Exam on the 1st attempt. If you are looking to gain Security experience and pass the PenTest+ exam at the same time, you found the right place. This 5 day bootcamp is geared for the Government, Military and Contractors seeking 8570 compliance.
5 Day Authorized CompTIA PenTest+ Bootcamp: Train-Test-Pass!
The CompTIA Pentest+ Certification is aimed at IT professionals looking to develop penetration testing skills in order to identify information-system vulnerabilities and effective remediation techniques for those vulnerabilities. Target students who also need to offer practical recommendations for action to properly protect information systems and their contents will derive those skills from this course.
CompTIA’s Pentest+ certification was created as an intermediate-level, cyber security skills accreditation, for professionals who are tasked with hands-on penetration testing to identify, exploit, report, and manage vulnerabilities on a network.
The CompTIA PenTest+ exam will certify the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to:
Planning and Scoping Penetration Tests
Conducting Passive Reconnaissance
Performing Non-Technical Tests
Conducting Active Reconnaissance
Analyzing Vulnerabilites
Penetrating Networks
Exploiting Host-Based Vulnerabilities
Testing Applications
Completing Post-Exploit Tasks
Analyzing and Reporting Pen Test Results
CompTIA PenTest+ Certification | March 3 - 7, 2025 | Live Online | $2,495 | REGISTER | QUOTE |
CompTIA PenTest+ Certification | March 17 - 21, 2025 | San Diego, CA | $2,495 | REGISTER | QUOTE |
CompTIA PenTest+ Certification | April 14 - 18, 2025 | Live Online | $2,495 | REGISTER | QUOTE |
CompTIA PenTest+ Certification | May 12 - 16, 2025 | CO Springs, CO | $2,495 | REGISTER | QUOTE |
CompTIA PenTest+ Certification | June 9 - 13, 2025 | Live Online | $2,495 | REGISTER | QUOTE |
CompTIA PenTest+ Certification | July 21 - 25, 2025 | Dulles, VA | $2,495 | REGISTER | QUOTE |
CompTIA PenTest+ Certification | September 15 - 19, 2025 | Live Online | $2,495 | REGISTER | QUOTE |
CompTIA PenTest+ Certification | November 10 - 14, 2025 | Live Online | $2,495 | REGISTER | QUOTE |
CompTIA PenTest+ candidates should meet the following requirements prior to attending the PenTest+ Bootcamp:
The CompTIA PenTest+ certification verifies that successful candidates have the knowledge and skills required to plan and scope an assessment, understand legal and compliance requirements, perform vulnerability scanning and penetration testing, analyze data, and effectively report and communicate results.
CompTIA PenTest+ is the only penetration testing exam taken at a Pearson VUE testing center with both hands-on, performance-based questions and multiple-choice, to ensure each candidate possesses the skills, knowledge, and ability to perform tasks on systems. PenTest+ exam also includes management skills used to plan, scope, and manage weaknesses, not just exploit them.
PenTest+ is unique because our certification requires a candidate to demonstrate the hands-on ability and knowledge to test devices in new environments such as the cloud and mobile, in addition to traditional desktops and servers.
Five Domains of the PenTest+:
1. Planning and Scoping
2. Information Gathering and Vulnerability Identification
3. Attacks and Exploits
4. Penetration Testing Tools
5. Reporting and Communication
PentTest+ Exam:
Questions: Maximum of 85 questions
Time Length: 165 minutes
Passing Score: 750
Format: Multiple Choice and Performance Based Questions
Updated: February 13, 2025
Your Instructor Has Vast Experience in the Field
The class went great. Michael was an excellent teacher. He has vast experience in the field and used great real world examples to help understand concepts. Thank you for the opportunity to take this bootcamp with such a qualified teacher.
Thanks again, Robert
Booz Allen Hamilton
Experience and High Energy Teaching Style
Fred is a fantastic instructor, with his background, experience and high energy teaching style I definitely have a great deal of confidence in passing the test first time through. I definitely will recommend your class for any future CISSP candidates.
V/R, Chuck US Navy
Instructor for the Course Was Outstanding
I had a great experience and thought that the test center was top notch. The material that has to be covered for an exam like these is very extensive. The instructor for the course was outstanding, and knew the Windows platform in and out.
DoD Contractor
I Learned a lot and Passed the Test
The Security Plus class went very well!! I learned a lot, passed the test, and Tracy was an excellent instructor. I felt it was very valuable training for my job and was very satisfied with my experience with Test Pass Academy. Thank you for everything.
Addy - US Air Force
For more information on our Training, call us at 1-888-418-7051 or via email at info@testpassacademy.com